Showing all pages tagged with florida frost
Ripe oranges on tree in Florida orange grove, protected by helicopter frost prevention services.

Helicopter Frost Protection for Florida Orange Groves

Agricultural - Helicopter Services

Florida’s orange groves are a vital part of the state’s economy and cultural heritage. However, the threat of unexpected frost can pose a significant risk to these valuable citrus orchards. Helicopter frost protection has emerged as a highly effective solution to this challenge, offering a unique and efficient method to safeguard these precious crops. At Fair Lifts Helicopter Services, we …

FairLifts Helicopter Support for Frost Prevention in Florida


FairLifts, working with a network of helicopter providers, arranges immediate helicopter support for frost prevention in Florida. Frost prevention involves using the down draught of a helicopter to circulate warm air above crops, reducing the likelihood of frost damage. Frost Damage Last winter, when temperatures in Florida dropped, crops were exposed to frost resulting in permanent damage. For smaller branches, …